What’s your ONE thing?

I spent so much of my energy wondering what’s my ONE thing. More than my purpose. Because I know my purpose is to guide, teach, coach. But deeper than that is the HOW. How to live my purpose. Sheesh, God, break it down!

If I’m in alignment it should feel effortless right? If I’m living my purpose, my why, my how, all of it the way God intended then I would be happy right?

Maybe if I just find that one specific thing that I am so good at, that comes so naturally, I’ll be successful. 

That’s what I thought for so long. Why couldn’t I just find the one thing that was oh so natural for me? The truth is, things are only as simple as we make them. This way of “working your purpose” is full of flaws. It’s working on the external before the internal. 

Think of it this way, if we create EVERYTHING in our reality, working on our external life will be subconsciously created from our current internal life. If you haven’t done any healing or empowerment work on yourself, you are creating from that (less than high) energy center. Therefore keeping yourself in a perpetual state of not good enough, searching for your purpose, unsuccessful, unhappy, and lost. It’s incredibly difficult to recognize your ultimate purpose or even that “thing” you are so good at from this internal perspective. 

And here is the second flaw with this way of thinking. It doesn’t always show up as ONE thing! Realizing THIS has opened up my personal world to so many new opportunities and adventures. I can do all the things, learn all the subjects, teach what I love, and coach who I want. Because I am operating from a perspective of my soul truth. My divine greatness. The same divine greatness that is also in you. 

Listen, I am faaaar from fucking perfect. I don’t even believe in perfection. Perfection is an unattainable standard. Therefore not a standard at all. But I have figured out a system. A system of internal processes and work that can crack you wide open and usher in the new life you crave. 

Want to know more? This is what we are working on the Voxer VIP coaching group. Join us today.