The science behind the law of attraction

Let’s start here…

EVERYTHING is constantly moving. Vibrating. We know this, right?

Now if we get a little scientific here, we know that electrons are attracted to the protons of an atom because of their rate of vibration (it’s the same).

Quantum Physics (and the law of correspondence) tells us that what happens on the micro level also occurs on the macro (and vice versa). It has to. It’s law.

Are you seeing this?

You are creating certain events in your life right now ONLY because they are a vibrational match to your energy. Because on some level you believe the illusions you have been fed about how life should be. Or how YOUR life should be. Or how it should make you feel.

And this is where the law of cause and effect comes in (and NLP). You can’t tell me that you didn’t create that horrible marriage, soul sucking job, or shitty money situation. BECAUSE YOU ARE THE CREATOR and for every creation (vibrational pulse) there is an EFFECT (what you manifest).

All of these things are energy (thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, situations, atoms, etc.)

This energy VIBRATES at a very specific rate based on what it is.

You pulled THIS REALITY into your life because you were a vibrational match to it on some level at some point in time.

THAT is the science behind the law of attraction. Simple right?

Now let’s take this one step further to learn how to change your reality.

Your perspective –> Your beliefs –> Personality –> Behaviors –> Reality

If you want to change your reality… you CAN start with behaviors and actions (aka AFFIRMATIONS and HUSTLING and dropping hard into the masculine).

OR you can start at the beginning. You can work on your perspective. On what you see. Which is subjective. And a choice. (not an easy one but a choice nonetheless). You can CHOOSE to see anything you want. You can CHOOSE to look at things from any side.

Now here’s a hack for changing your perspective around your reality (because it’s hard to see DOLLARS where they may not be any until you’re skilled at it)

You can choose to live from CAUSE (hey I created this and it’s great but I can

also change it) or from EFFECT (FML, why does everything happen to me? I am a victim of my circumstances).

↑ ↑ THAT has the power to change your reality because it changes your perspective. Can you start to look at the circumstances in your life as just that? “How did I create this?”

Not only will your perspective change but your vibration will too. Not to mention you’ll have some great answers to questions you have likely been asking for quite some time.

PHEW. That was a lot. Any questions? Make sense?

P.S. – Are you ready to change your reality once and for all?

Ready to CHANGE YOUR WHOLE perspective on life? Ready to see something different? take your power back from your limiting beliefs and stories?


I’m offering a 1.5 hour session with me to review your energy system (human design + gene keys), your current reality (blocks, shadows, and limitations), and offer you ways of healing, overcoming, and creating something different. WAY different. NEW. AMAZING!

We are going to BUST through the doors and walls that have been keeping you STUCK.

This offer is only available until the end of the week. So make sure to sign up today.