Want to know what the #1 TRUTH is that will change your life forever?
Get ready for it.
It’s …..
The goddess truth herself.
I have a client who first came to me for anxiety. She was brutally anxious every single day. She tried medication, herbs, everything. And nothing seemed to relieve the distress.
Until we talked. Openly. Honestly. And she spilled. Word vomited. EVERYTHING!
We are talking years and years and years of pain that she had kept inside. Bottled up. Not even realizing it was all in there.
She had piled more and more on top of the last that the anxiety built in her body and was literally taking over (physically, emotionally, mentally).
But not after that one session.
After that one session she felt
The energy of our planet is shifting, can you feel it? What used to work in the old paradigm no longer does.
When we hide our truth, our truest selves, and our deepest desires WE WILL FEEL IT. It WILL affect every place of your life. Even those itty bitty corners that you don’t suspect.
It’s likely why you’re sick, tired, fat, stuck, anxious, depressed, lonely, and every other negative thang you’re experiencing.
I’m coded for truth. I see it. I feel it. And I’m learning how to speak it more. But it’s my code. We’re all coded for something.
Ready to uncover your code? Free your mind? Find peace? Release the pressure?
It’s in truth. And to help you find it, I want to offer you something fantastic.
Since the last 5 day challenge was a HIT I want to host another one. This time it’s a FREE YOUR MIND 5 day challenge. Learn to stop over thinking, over analyzing, and stop letting your mind control you.
When you can clear the MUCK in the mind, you can align yourself with truth more easily. Truth = flow = natural state of being.
We’re starting 9/1 and you can join for FREE here: http://www.dannayahav.com/free-your-mind-5-day-challenge/