the hardest Q to answer

I don’t mean to toot my own horn 🥳 (yes, I do – cause around here we OWN who we are boldly)…

But I am quite good at asking the tough questions. Actually most of my clients know me as the sharp shooter who will ask all the questions you never even wanted to consider. And as one of the only people in their life that is actually honest and real with them.

So one of my favorite questions to ask is this … what is your biggest /wildest dream? And now what’s an even bigger dream?

I started asking my clients this not because I thought it would be difficult (I didn’t realize it would!) But because I was legitimately curious what we could accomplish together that would shock and excite them.

But you know what I found out? People don’t know what they want today let alone tomorrow or for their future or for their life.

People had NO IDEA how to answer this question. And more than once I heard “Can I get back to you on that? No one has ever asked me that before.”

And so I realized that my work was going to be even deeper. It wasn’t just about manifestation or creating magick. It was really about getting to a place where we truly know ourselves and what we desire! Because if you don’t consciously work toward your desires, you will subconsciously sabotage them and call it fate.

Do you know what you want? Do you know what your biggest, boldest dreams are?

How can you ever achieve them if you’ve never considered them?

This is something we are going to dive DEEP into in My Chameleon Soul starting in 2 weeks. Are you joining us

We will embark on an 8 week journey into discovering our REAL, AUTHENTIC, and UNIQUE selves as a group. Where you will learn my processes and techniques as well as receive support to finally achieve your desires, be confident with who you are, and have the awareness to help yourself when life feels helpless.

We start in just 2 weeks so get all the deets are here.

I am here to answer any Qs so reply back to this email and I’ll get back to you!