Playing the field on vacation (+ some pictures!!)


I know you missed your daily dose of education, inspiration, and ass-kickery.

For those of you that don’t follow me on Insta or FB (WHY THE HELL NOT?!) I have been in Israel for the past 7+ days. (Right now I am jet lagged AF but thinking about how I am missing my connection to all of you).

So I wanted to share some insights on playing the field (The Zero Point Field that is) that I learned while away.

The zero point field is a term used in Quantum Physics.
In the zero point field, all probabilities and possibilities are possible and available.

It is simply up to US to tap into that field, collapse the wave, and observe the electrons (how we wish) so that they metamorph into matter.

Sounds easy right?

Here’s the thing… IT IS easy. But what holds us back is our perspectives, rules, and beliefs around our reality and what is possible. (HINT HINT you have no fucking clue what is possible!)

Something we’ve been talking about in The Seeker’s Society is, WHAT IS REALITY? Is it what you make it? How you see it? Can it change?

And the answer (for me) has been YES, yes, and yes. YOU create your reality and what is REAL.

So then the KEY to changing your reality is to challenge how you view and interact with your reality. It’s to change the rules that you’ve created around what is possible for your reality.

Let me ask you something, do you believe in magick? Do you believe in miracles and synchronicities? 

Because if you answered yes, then you are ready to take the first step in really collapsing the wave in the zero point field. (To be honest, we can all be ready, ANYTIME.. this is what I do.. get you ready + get you results).

THE BEST place, time, and opportunity to start collapsing the wave and changing your old rules + beliefs about what SHOULD + COULD happen is on vacation.

New places, new people, new realities, new perspectives, NEW EVERYTHING. Anything could happen, right?

That is why motivational events and workshops work… you are submerged into new perspectives and realities for a HUGE chunk of the day.

But it doesn’t HAVE to be a weeklong vacation (although that IS the best for SO many reasons). I 100% recommend switching up your environment as much as possible (Hey I work from coffee shops, the gym, Barnes and Noble, my office, my living room, my bed, friends’ houses). 

Israel was a HUGE opportunity for me to challenge ALL of my stagnant and old beliefs (expect new things from me) and choose different. Or better yet, NOT choose anything and allow my energy and observation to actually SEE what I want. (Think money coming in from nowhere, new opportunities for fun, new processes + methods just showing up, observing QUIET when it wasn’t there before, finding things I needed/wanted, and so much more).

Here’s how I started . . .

I began by asking myself THIS every morning…
What is hanging out right outside of my aura (or peripheral vision) that I haven’t seen yet? What new thing do I wish to discover, enjoy, or interact with?

And now over to you…
How can you observe new realities? Challenge your old beliefs? And immerse yourself into a reality that allows change, magick, and miracles?

I know 99% of you will ignore that challenge to think about this further. And that IS the difference between those that will perceive (receive) miracles and those that will not. I encourage you to do the “work” necessary today to enjoy the results tomorrow. 

If you’re SERIOUSLY ready to uplevel your life and learn how to play the field to create what you desire, then I encourage you to schedule a call with me, as I am opening up several 6 month 1:1 coaching opportunities with me.

AND now pics from my vacation — more posts and insights to come (as I SLEEP more, I become more insightful and clearer lol).