On feeling unsafe within yourself + becoming who you are

Today’s musings are brought to you by hours of contemplation on my personal Gene Keys (you’re welcome).

Seriously thought, if you HAVEN’T explored your own Gene Keys, I highly recommend it. Oh and Human Design as well.

On with it. . .

My contemplation led me to inquiry about fear and playing it safe. What are we really afraid of?

Are we really afraid of FAILURE? Or is it success? Perhaps we are afraid of being seen for who we truly are or perhaps it is simply a fear of being wrong about who we truly are? The fear of how dark and deep our shadows really go?

Every fear is held within our body. It has a rhythm and a frequency. It is in our nature to push to heal, transmute, transform. But this is NEVER the first step.


And it is precisely through skipping the first step that we find ourselves once again knee deep in fear, confusion, and illusion.

So what is the first step?

It’s stillness. It’s inquiry. It’s allowing ourselves to feel the fear, the anger (which is usually right below it) the sadness (which is usually right below that) and perhaps even the shame (the bottom of the barrel).

I know what you’re thinking. But once I start down that rocky path I may never come back. So which I would say, but what if you do? Once you hit the bottom of the barrel, there is nowhere left to go but up.

What if you do RISE with more clarity, faith, and understanding of who you are AND the human experience?

Which brings me to my next point. What are we so afraid of?


Because we are all there is to us. We ARE the creators of our own realities. It is through our PERSONAL REALITY (personality) that we perceive anything as real or not.

But it starts with self exploration…the deepest of kinds.

The 10th Gene Key is of these three frequencies:
Self – Obsession – Shadow
Naturalness – Gift
Being – Siddhi

This Gene Key is in my chart but Richard Rudd says, “The life of every individual human being is a journey through the frequencies of this 10th Gene Key.”

So I created a little chart for you to see how this flows through you. . .


Lastly, friends, what I have found is that this flowering of your true essence can come into LIFE more seamlessly in a container of support.

Which is particularly why DIVINE ALIGNMENT is the perfect next step in anyone’s journey. I will take you through these phases and help you understand who you are + why you are + also that these questions will never be fully answered. And how to detach.

So If you’re feeling called to take the next step in your life. . . here is it.