FREE your mind of self sabotaging thoughts QUICKLY

Here’s a quick and easy way to free your mind of those nagging, destructive, self sabotaging thoughts that run through your head on repeat.


Yep, I know it’s like too easy to be true and kind of annoying right?

But what if you decided that you would change the story altogether?
This works for the most part.. but often those nagging thoughts come back and take over so quickly that we hardly know what hit us.

So here is what I do:

1. Investigate the thought/belief.
2. WORST CASE SCENARIO of it (explore it)
3. Focus on your GIFTS, TALENTS, SKILLS instead 

No spiritual bypassing here. We’re allowing it to speak and then choosing new.
Danna, this is a fast way to shift your energy!

Are you thinking that you don’t know what skills, talents, and gifts to focus on?

One way to do this is through Human Design:
✩ Check your chart for all of your line 1s – these GATES are the places in which you express your creativity as an EXPERT. You are meant to have some great knowledge within these gate themes. Likely, it’s a place to explore BUT you probably already have some great knowledge here already. Are you using it? leveraging it? Allowing yourself to CLAIM it?

example, here are my line 1s:

When you focus on your STRENGTHS using a system like Human Design, your brain feels like it has proof, concrete proof of your awesomeness and it is more likely to accept it as truth (especially if you’re just starting out on your self worship journey). So this really works! It aligns the energetic frequencies between the brain and heart!

There are 6 other lines to explore in human design and we’ll be diving deeply into these frequencies and how they relate to your special gifts, skills, talents, positive qualities, purpose in the Sacred Self Worship program.

You better believe we will also dig deep into all of your self sabotaging habits, patterns, and thought forms to ELIMINATE them for good.

We officially start 5/4/20 – – and we already have 5 women on the journey!

Here are just a few of the benefits of this transformational program:

>> A sense of purpose
>> Stability to build from
>> Confidence to do what’s necessary for your new life

>> Clarity around who you are and what makes you successful
>> Learn how to become magnetic AF to manifest on demand
>> Create intense peace of mind (like all the time)
>> Gain knowledge and wisdom that even your friends will be jealous of

if you have a specific financial hardship due to C19 (or anything else) please contact me personally and we will work it out. I WANT YOU TO SUCCEED!

Check here for more info on SSW.