
Today I am recommitting to this blog. I have put it on hold for quite some time now. As I’m sure you can attest to, things come up. Children, jobs, spouses, friends, and everything else under the sun will come up…if you are not committed. I wasn’t. As it turns out there were a few other things that I loved that I didn’t have the time for anymore. I didn’t like that feeling of giving up so I took some steps to stay committed to things that are most important to me. I am going to give you my list of things that I am 100% committed to and then I am going to give you my 3 steps to successfully commit to anything you have been putting off in your life. I used these steps in my own life and had great luck. I hope you do too!

My List for 2014

Danna Yahav
Danna Yahav
  1. This blog
  2. My health
  3. Taking my fitness routine to the next level
  4. Unplugging after work to spend uninterrupted time with my family

Here is how I have been able to stick to prior commitments to myself and how I plan to stick to these as well.

  1. Write down your commitments or goals

Make a list of all of your goals, aspirations, dreams, and things you wish you could commit to. Then list out why. Why would this make you happy? Why is this important? Maybe you would like to take a yoga class once a week to distress from work (great idea J) Next to each goal list the action steps that you can take to make sure you stick to this commitment. For instance, next to your yoga class you can write “put yoga bag in car, pack snacks for after work and before yoga, make sure my husband can pick up the kids this ONE day, etc.” Make sure you are very clear here. Be clear with your goals and be clear with your action steps.

  1. Adjust your priorities

If this is truly important to you (and I suspect it is) then adjust your priorities to make it work! Get a babysitter to watch your kids while you are at yoga. Prepare everything the night before so you have no excuses not to go. Here’s the key: STOP MAKING BULLSHIT EXCUSES! Make the time! You are important and so are your goals! As soon as an excuse comes up to not do something, STOP, DROP, and FEEL. Feel the feelings of achieving your goal or sticking to your commitment. Go back to your list of goals and re-read WHY this is important to you. Visualize yourself during and after. How do you feel? I can’t begin to tell you how important this step is. This will help you manifest your end result and motivate you to take the next step.

  1. Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate

I committed to an exercise class not too long ago. As luck would have it, things came up! I got busy with work and kids. I stopped going. But I was using these three steps so although I stopped going to the class, I started my own exercise routine at home instead. I re-evaluated my goals. My ultimate goal was to have a fitness routine. The exercise class was a good way for me at the time to stick to this commitment. However, it no longer served me and I took note of that. So I adjusted and came up with something even better! Now I workout at home and don’t have to leave my house in 14 degree weather! Check in with your goals periodically, and don’t be afraid to adjust them if necessary. Lastly, don’t forget to also celebrate how far you have come and how good it feels to stay committed and focused to something that you love!

What are you recommitting to?

quote by Danna Yahav
quote by Danna Yahav