Medicine of the Sacred Feminine






Oh the feelings we bear.


The rejection, the stuckness, the loneliness, the failure.

We hold on to so much, unaware and unable to truly diagnose the real issues within ourselves.

For me it was the doubt, the confusion, and this hunger for more that couldn’t be satiated.

I tried going to college. I tried getting married. I tried having kids. I tried getting the good job. I tried having the soul tribe of friends. I tried making a lot of money. I tried being skinny. I tried numbing the pain with alcohol.

I tried it all. And (most) of it didn’t work.
Because it wasn’t for me.
I needed something that was aligned with MY energy.

(( But I didn’t know what I needed exactly.
I just knew I couldn’t live another day without it))

My heart sunk as I finally had to acknowledge. . .
It was safety.
I wanted to return to a home…

A place to feel at peace, loved, supported.

Somewhere to go when the chaos of life felt too much.
A place of answers.
A place of truth.
A knowing so strong it could hold me up even as I sank.
Into the deepest of waters, dark + suffocating.
And still, there it was.
My home.
My place of refuge.
I was saved…


Now that I had been FOUND.
What I needed next was PERMISSION.

All thanks to the medicine of the feminine,
A process was born for creating a deeper connection with myself and allowing my truth to light the way.


This is a program for anyone who has even been lost, disconnected, or felt abandoned by their soul.


This is Ground Zero.


This is about receiving the CLARITY you seek, the SUPPORT your crave, and the ANSWERS you desire from within yourself.


For the seekers,
For the finders,
For those among you
who are ready for a deeper connection



Hi, I’m Danna

I’m a soul coach, metaphysical teacher, + priestess



I’m A Life Long Seeker And Knowledge Feaster.




My belief is that EVERYTHING starts and ends with the self.
It’s the purpose of life.
What I do is disrupt old conditionings and programmings of the self
and guide you toward your authentic soul self.
The person you were and are meant to be.
The one you CRAVE to be.




I have been going through this process myself and with clients for years. I’ve been researching, studying, and experimenting. I have taken the courses, hired the coaches, and done the deep dark work.

I have found that there is NO cookie cutter method to living your dreams. No right or wrong way either.

The Matrix (Society as we know it) is not a box that we all fit perfectly in. We are being challenged to embrace our differences and work WITH our authentic truths rather than against them.





▽Fresh channeled content from the sacred feminine
▽Deep journeys within yourself
▽Sacred meditations
▽Soul activations


a 4 week course for acceptance, permission, and a deep embodiment of who you truly are THROUGH surrender to the medicine of the sacred feminine ((without the shame, guilt, or stigmas))




Pre work – The feminine + masculine

1 – Stripping down: rest, repair, re-program, re-claim 

2 – Find yourself + your SAFE space within

3- Why you are here + the clarity you seek

4 – Tapping into the Quantum Field of possibilities

Opening + ending ceremonies (zoom)
Shamanic Journeys to open the heart
Videos + workbooks for education + integration
 Kundalini Kriyas


We start April 29th with an opening ceremony (so technically the program is 6 weeks)

✮ A masterclass on the Gene Keys + Human Design (plus additional resources and a personal look into your chart)

✮ “Writing As a Sacred Activation” (workbook of journaling prompts)

✮ 24/7 access to me in the private FB group (ask anything!)

✮ Healing + clearing meditations




(As a VIP you receive VOXER – text + audio coaching from me for the duration of this course. For those looking for DEEP support!)



Here’s what you can expect in terms of RESULTS

(results are based on the work that you are willing to put in, of course)



  • A deep knowing that you are safe, cared for, held

  • Peace within

  • Detachment, which leads to faster manifestation

  • Honoring the body and it’s waves allows for more CREATION (yes, creativity increases)

  • A deep love for yourself and others

  • An understanding of who you are and your purpose

  • Increased FLOW (and magick showing up in your life)

  • Reclaiming + stepping into your power: being the powerful creator that you are. But creating the things you actually desire

  • And so much more!
















This program is about leaning out, pulling back, slowing down

▽ This program is an ACTIVATION for the sacred feminine, the Yin, the Shakti

▽ This program is about surrendering to FLOW

▽ This program is about embodying your uniqueness in every breath

▽ This program is the UNRAVELING + BUILDING UP that comes with any medicine

▽ This program is creating a deep connection between you and your sacred feminine

▽ This program is about deep healing

▽ This program is about standing firmly in who you truly are




(As a VIP you receive VOXER – text + audio coaching from me for the duration of this course. For those looking for DEEP support!)






“The medicine of the sacred feminine is …
an unraveling
an undoing
a slowing down
sometimes painful
sometimes kind.

It’s patience.
It’s surrender.

The medicine of any Earth Goddess requires space.

It’s personal.
Carefully attuned to you.
Just you.
Here on your path. Your journey
of becoming the most powerful version of you.

It’s the medicine of the sacred feminine that provides you with the permission to truly be you through her undoing, unraveling, and stitching back together in perfect harmony.”